8 Tips for Reducing the Stress of Your Upcoming Relocation

Moving is something most people do at one time or the other, and it is also something that can be stressful and challenging. If you have a relocation coming up, definitely plan ahead by heading off stress before it starts. Here are eight tips from Cheap Movers Santa Clarita that can help you do just that.

1. Make lists.

A key way to reduce stress is by creating lists and staying organized. Make a master “to do” list for your move, and write down all the tasks you need to do. This list might get long, but that is perfectly fine and to be expected. There are tons of tasks involved in a move, and you want to get them all down on paper.

2. Gather supplies ahead of time.

Rather than waiting until the last minute to gather your moving supplies, start collecting them weeks before your move. You will need many items, including moving boxes, bubble wrap, moving tape, and scissors.

3. Take care of yourself.

In the midst of all the chaos of relocating, remember to pay attention to your well-being. That means you should get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, exercise and remember to laugh.

4. Downsize and simplify.

Moving can be a great time to get rid of stuff you don’t need or use. And your stress level increases as the number of items you need to move increases. So pare down, and you will find that you will have fewer boxes to pack, move and unpack.

5. Stay on a budget.

One of the most stressful aspects of moving is the expense. And the longer the distance you are moving, the more expensive it can be. Make up a budget for your move by listing all of the moving-related expenses, and stick to that budget.

6. Do a little each day.

There is so much to do when you are moving, and it is best to pace yourself by doing small tasks each day. For example, pack a box each day, and start doing that several weeks before your moving day.

7. Maintain a positive attitude.

This might sound simple, but it is actually very powerful. When you look at the bright side, everything goes better. Reframe what you perceive as stressful by viewing it in a positive light.

8. Delegate some tasks.

You might think you have too much to do, but maybe you don’t have to do so much. Try asking family members or friends if they would be willing to help you with certain tasks, such as decluttering a room or packing a few boxes. Return the favor by inviting them over for a meal or snack after you move to your new place.

Try to implement as many of these tips as you can, and do so right away after you find out you are moving. Get into relaxation mode sooner rather than later. Enjoy your relocation and all the new opportunities it brings into your life!

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